About the Selfmed Hospital Plan

Selfmed provides two hospital plan options that are more affordable than the medical aid options. The first one is the Selfsure plan, which covers day-to-day needs for younger families. The second plan is the MEDXXI option, which offers unlimited coverage in selected hospitals.

The Selfsure plan covers the following:

  • 100{d034db9e55b3e7f56141a399bb283a7addf659552eb244950ecf62c5f4eefe83} of the hospital plan rates in selected hospitals
  • Up to R4500 for GP & specialist visits (Main member)
  • Basic dentistry and physiotherapy of up to R4600
  • Optometry of up to R2400
  • Medical appliances
  • Maternity visits (unlimited) as well as ante-natal classes of up to R1500
  • Selected procedures
  • MRI and CT scans (unlimited)
  • Contraceptive benifits (R1400)
  • 25 Conditions
  • And a couple more

Read more about this plan here.

 The MEDDXXI option provides:

  • 100{d034db9e55b3e7f56141a399bb283a7addf659552eb244950ecf62c5f4eefe83} of the hospital plan rates in selected hospitals
  • 25 Conditions
  • Maternity visits (limited) as well as ante-natal classes of up to R1500
  • MRI and CT scans (unlimited)
  • Non-elective maxilla-facial and oral surgeries
  • Pap smear and mammograms
  • Contraceptive benifits (R1400)
  • R1000 cover out of hospital or in emergency rooms
  •  And a couple more

Read more about this plan here.

If you are interested in Selfmed’s hospital plans, we recommend that you visit their website for more info.

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