Welcome to our website! Here we will try to assist you in picking the best hospital plan for you and your loved ones.

There are several medical plans that people are conversant with. However, most people do not quite understand what hospital cover is. It is a medical plan which helps the bearers to pay for hospitalization fees when they are admitted there, surgery and the emergency room care. Please note, there is a difference between a H.E.L.P plan (Health Event Life Plan) and a hospital plan. H.E.L.P pays the policy holder a fixed amount per day when they are hospitalized (directly into their bank account, and can be used for anything), where hospital plans cover your hospital bills.
There are different kinds of cover. There are some that pay the admission bills when a woman gives birth in a hospital. However, not all plans have this option. This means that those that need this kind of coverage should look for a plan that covers them.
Hospital Cover VS. Medical Aid
A hospital plan is very different from other medical plans which seem to be closely related to each other. With this kind of cover, one is not covered for visits to the doctor. This is a challenge for people who have chronic diseases that require them to see the doctor frequently. This is therefore not the best plan for such people. People who are in perfect health and only need to see the doctor once a year will not have a problem with this kind of arrangement.
It is required by law that hospital plans cover several medications. People can have some of the prescribed medicines paid for by the plan. However, not many people know the concerned medications. Different schemes have their own medications that they can cover. The basic drugs covered are those that are in common use. It is imperative that one looks at the covered medications so as to see whether he will benefit from the cover or not.
The cons include that one has to pay the premiums on a monthly basis. If one fails, he loses the medical cover. People are therefore advised to strictly get into a plan that they can afford to pay for in a monthly basis without sacrificing their comfort.
Although there are medicines that the plan covers, one is likely to find himself paying for most of the drugs prescribed to him. It is prudent for one to get a plan that covers most of the drugs he is likely to use.
The cost of insurance vary. One should shop for the best provider who will provide cheaply yet the policy covers most of the needs. As much as one would feel that he does not need a hospital plan, he should understand that incidents like accidents and serious diseases can get someone and the cost becomes too overwhelming. It is therefore important that one has at least one medical insurance plan that will ease the burden of paying medical bills.
How To Get Quotes
Watch the video below to find out how to get quotes
Read more at http://www.clearwave.co.za/hospital-plans/.
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